Mayville, New York
“Tim has devoted his entire 20-year teaching career to a small, rural school in Western New York – Chautauqua Lake Secondary School. He has strived to enhance opportunities for his students through concurrent-enrollment classes – currently teaching Algebra II/Trig., Precalculus, Problem Solving, Statistics, and Web Programming. He is also a certified Project Lead the Way engineering instructor. Tim has devoted his entire 20-year teaching career to a small, rural school in Western New York – Chautauqua Lake Secondary School. He has strived to enhance opportunities for his students through concurrent-enrollment classes – currently teaching Algebra II/Trig., Precalculus, Problem Solving, Statistics, and Web Programming. He is also a certified Project Lead the Way engineering instructor.
During his tenure at Chautauqua Lake, Tim created a STEMM (Science-Technology-Engineering-Mathematics-Medicine) Academy with four unique concentration strands – Applied Mathematics, Biomedical Science, Computer Technology, and Engineering – in which students take five courses in one STEMM area, most for college credit. In addition, these students participate in unique field trip, job shadow, and internship opportunities; compete in academic competitions across multiple content areas; and explore potential careers before making college and career decisions. When not teaching, Tim spends his time coaching and traveling – with his lovely wife Jessica and their three sons (Andrew, Matthew, and Joshua). He is inspired to be a part of the Pivotal Network and looks forward to forging meaningful connections to not only improve his student’s experience but his own as well.”
Take pride in your daily performance and prepare to pursue perfection.
Engineering and Computer Science
The Pivotal Network
The Hub for Equity and Innovation
1237 37th Street NW
Washington, DC 20007