New Bern, North Carolina
“And gladly wolde he lerne and gladly teche.” – Geoffrey Chaucer
Teaching Discipline(s)
English, History/ Social Studies, & Arts
Born when Eisenhower was sinking putts on the White House lawn, JT has lived in interesting times which have afforded many opportunities to learn and grow. Born with no clear occupational interest, he tried just about everything that came along – sometimes out of interest, mostly out of necessity. A short sample includes – mechanic in a coal-fired power station, licensed optician, editorial assistant on three different literary journals, short-order cook, English teacher (several different locations), itinerant pipe organ repairman, choir director, church organist and disc jockey.
For the last fourteen years JT has been a Literature teacher at The Epiphany School of Global Studies in New Bern, NC, and the parish musician at the Lutheran Church down the street. He will be celebrating twenty-five years of marriage to the most patient woman on Earth next year, has two very intelligent, committed and loving daughters and a granddaughter on the way in a month or two. He is honored to be apart of the Pivotal Network initiative and looks forward to learning from the people he will be working with (and learning from) in this communal endeavor.
The Pivotal Network
The Hub for Equity and Innovation
1237 37th Street NW
Washington, DC 20007