Alexandria, Virginia
“He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?” – Micah 6:8
Jack was raised in NJ (exit 129) in a multi-generational home which included an aunt and grandparents. Family has always been very important to him. Married for 22 years, he and his wife have two college aged daughters.
He wanted to be a teacher since he was 13 years old because he also wanted to be a coach. He thought that only teachers got off work by 3:00 PM and could get to practice on time.
He has taught for over 40 years which includes: Peace Corps Zaire/Democratic Republic of the Congo; Manville, NJ; St. Croix, USVI; Gallaudet University; Vanderbilt University; American University and Washington International School, DC. Along the way, he did enjoy opportunities to coach track, xc, soccer, and swimming.
Currently, Jack is teaching Calculus and Statistics at Hayfield Secondary School in Fairfax County VA.
In his spare time, Jack enjoys reading, swimming, biking, walking, watching sports and spending time with family. Since Jack was young, his most relaxing moments have always been at the beach, or as they say in NJ, “down the shore.”
Two-time nominee for Teacher of the Year at Hayfield SS
AP Statistics Reader for 7 years
The Pivotal Network
The Hub for Equity and Innovation
1237 37th Street NW
Washington, DC 20007