Colleges & Universities

Forging new connections among educators to support first generation and lower-income students

The Pivotal Institution

We seek opportunities to re-imagine ways in which higher education can more widely expand the educational capital of individuals, families and communities. We build on Georgetown’s significant experience working locally and globally with community partners to establish more equity and access throughout higher education. However, when addressing undermatching for all students, it cannot be done by one institution alone. That is why, when the time comes, we will seek to find ‘Pivotal Institutions’ to join us in this work. 

The scope of this challenge will require scalable solutions beyond Georgetown’s capacity, and we pursue this work with the goal of launching a new movement in higher education that embraces an expanded sense of our societal responsibility and provides tested examples for other institutions to follow. Our work seeks to connect with diverse institutional partners to transform higher education. 

In essence, Pivotal Institutions are colleges & universities that share a core belief – high-achieving students from all backgrounds deserve the opportunity to obtain an excellent college education.    

Value of
The Pivotal Network for Colleges & Universities

  • While The Pivotal Network is not strictly a pipeline program that feeds a specific institution, targeting the undermatching problem will increase the numbers of lower-income students who apply to high quality colleges and universities.
  • Direct outreach to communities through their local respected educators will improve the perception of the positive role that elite higher education can have on all strata of society.

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The Other Nodes of The Pivotal Network