T-awannda Piper

Greensboro, North Carolina

T-awannda's Story

T-awannda is a Science Teacher and Youth Advocate from Washington D.C. Now serving as an upper level Science Teacher in Greensboro, NC, she works diligently to bring equity to underserved communities through the platforms of education and social reform. 

T-awannda has extensive work in developing intervention and prevention programs for high risk youth. She is also at the forefront of developing educational S.T.E.A.M. models and prototypes for adolescent girls that include gender responsive methodologies and practices. T-awannda is a published author and recognized lecturer in the world of trauma informed practices and education in partnership with the University of Chicago School of Medicine and Trauma Center. 

Girls and Trauma: Performing Socio-surgery through a Gender Responsiveness Lens is her most recent work and was co-authored with Chicago based Sociologist and Youth Advocate, Sherida V. Morrison. The work is centered on socio-systems that effectively lift girls up as leaders in society within the urban distressed context. 

T-awannda is best known for recognizing academic potential and gifts found within the students in her classroom and cultivating those gifts and talents into meeting graduation goals and college readiness. 


“It is not how you start that’s important, it is how you finish.” -Jim George

Teaching Discipline(s)




Recognized as as GCS Leader in Digital Learning, April 2020

FoxNews Educator of the Week, May 2020

Certificate of Completion Northwestern Kellogg Executive Education, School of Nonprofit Management with a concentration in Funding for Contractual & Charter Schools, July 2018

Teacher of the Month, December 2017

Rookie Teacher of Year, District Top 5 Finalists September 2017

Rookie Teacher of Year, Dudley High School, April 2017

Teacher of the Month, February 2017

2018 McLean Lecture Series Presenter, University of Chicago-School of Medicine, Girls and Trauma: Performing Socio-Surgery through a Gender Responsive Lens.  

Chicago Sun Times, Recognition of Community Transformative Design & Build Project-Climb, Jump, Leap & Imagine, A Play Space for the Roseland Community 

Chicago Tribune, Recognition of Community Transformative Design & Build Project-Climb, Jump, Leap & Imagine, A Play Space for the Roseland Community 

ABC7News Chicago’s Community Program, Recognition of Community Transformative Design & Build Project-Climb, Jump, Leap & Imagine, A Play Space for the Roseland Community 

 Metropolitan Planning Council’s Placemaking Grand Prize Winner, Community Transformative Design & Build Project -Climb, Jump, Leap & Imagine, A Play Space for the Roseland Community, 2012

Heroes In The Hood, 2nd Place Winner, Community Transformative Design & Build Project- Climb, Jump, Leap & Imagine, A Play Space for the Roseland Community, 2013

Heroes In The Hood, 3rd Place Winner, Community Transformative Design & Build Project- Contemporary Activities Room, , Fenger High School 2014


America Public Health Association & 2020 Conference Presenter 

Femme Mentor-Demoiselle 2 Femme, NFP 

Design Team-Katherine G Johnson S.T.E.A.M. School for Girls-Chicago


Contemporary Activities Room-Provided oversight and instruction for the FEMME 2 S.T.E.M. Boot Camp 2013.

Collaborative Author for How Long Will I Cry, Voices of Youth Violence, Edited by Miles Harvey.

Collaborative Author for Girls And Trauma: Performing Socio-Surgery Through A Gender-Responsive Lens, Springer Publication, March 2020.

Collaborative Author and Editor for Girls in the City: A Status Report on Teen Girls Residing in Chicago
Girls in the City: A Status Report on Teen Girls Residing in Chicago is a document released by the Coalition on Urban Girls-Chicago (CUG).